Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have unfortunately stumbled across this website....and I. can't. stop. watching. It's a silly waste of my time but now that I'm 41917 seconds into it, I feel I'm too far gone and I must continue until it is complete!
This is a fair warning, that if you click her on this you may be here for a year. Now you want to know what it is.....don't you?

42118 seconds.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beyond My Intellectual Capacity

So I have this big astronomy test on Thursday over nothing that particularly excites me, so instead of studying what is supposed to be on the exam, I watched a video by Louie Giglio titled, "How Great is Our God" and decided I should blog about it. He compares the rest of the galaxy in terms f the Earth being the size of a golf ball, in other words, everything I wish we were learning about in class!

This is now Earth. Imagine you on that Earth. You can't even make a pin prick small enough to represent one person!

After picturing our tiny selves on a small golf ball sized Earth, it only makes sense to compare that to the other bodies our the galaxy. Like the sun for instance, would be 15 feet in diameter next to our Earth. You can put 960 Earths in the Sun which would be like filling a school bus with golf balls! (Has your jaw dropped yet? Cause mine has.)

Louie talks about four main stars, the second being Betelgeuse. It is twice the size...not of the sun...but of the Earth's orbit AROUND the Sun! That would be like six Empire State Buildings stacked on top of each other. 22 trillion Earths could fit in could fill a SUPER DOME with that many golf balls 3,000 times!

If Betelgeuse isn't large enough for you, then you have Mucephi. Its diameter would be 2 Golden Gate Bridges end to end...that's only the diameter! You could squeeze 2.7 QUADRILLION little Earths into this star.

He tries to help us grasp a quadrillion so he talks about how 1 million seconds ago would be 12 days biggie right? 1 billion seconds ago would be 1975...1 trillion we're now in 29700 BC.......1 quadrillion seconds ago is 30,000,800 years in the past! Holy wow!

Now onto Canis Majoris. I don't even need to go onto this one to explain how magnificently huge God is and how undeniably small we are, but I'll tell you just for kicks. In comparison to a golf ball, Canis Majoris would be the size of MOUNT EVEREST! That's almost 6 miles about sea level! You could fit 7 quadrillion Earths in into this star. Did you catch that? 7 QUADRILLION! That's enough to cover the state of Texas with golf balls...22 inches deep. Yep. That's right.

Now keep in mind how itty bitty we are and remember that this is only our galaxy...not to mention the other who knows how many galaxies that are out there.

God breathes stars into existence. There are no words.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Stairway to Fun!

The Fun Theory. I like the sound of that.
I say all of stairs on campus should be transformed to add a little excitement to the day.
Let's have a revival! Anyone?