One day I will…
Travel to all fifty states by the time I am fifty years old
Go white water rafting
Go mountain climbing
Travel to every continent (yes, even Antarctica)
See Conan O’Brien live
Ride a camel
Lay in a poppy field all day long
Backpack across Spain
Go across America in a hot air balloon
Go on a safari
Be on The Amazing Race with my sister
Get backstage passes for my favorite band
Open my own coffee shop
Go to a big time fashion show
Go parasailing
Learn sign language
Live in a loft in a big city
Get a meaningful tattoo
Discover a keepsake box/time capsule
Create my own signature scent
Have a piece of my art shown in a museum
Have one of my poems published
Be an extra in a movie
Ride an elephant
Milk a cow
Go skinny dipping
Create my own personal mission statement and follow it (revising it from time to time)
Travel India by train
Take a dip into a fountain
Write an anonymous letter attach it to a large check and give it to a worthwhile organization
Graffiti something beautiful
Live in a house boat
Stay in an ice hotel (http://travel.msn.com//Guides/MSNTravelSlideShow.aspx?cp-documentid=918831>1=41000)
Write a personal letter, leave it in a book at the library and look for it twenty years later
Play chess until I beat someone I should not, then quit forever
Witness a tennis match at Wimbledon
Experience weightlessness
See the Mona Lisa
Try fencing
Learn all of the “love languages”
Learn to belly dance
Learn to play guitar better
Go paragliding
Go zorbing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ljbOmNX7x0)
Fly through the Bermuda Triangle and live to tell about it
Witness ancient cave art
See the seven wonders of the world
Learn to juggle
Have a star named after me
Have a room in my house devoted to books
Be in the Guinness Book of World Records
Help build a Habitat for Humanity home
Join Peace Corps
Invent something
Attend a Super Bowl game
Drink the sunset
Live a life without regrets
Have a duck as a pet
Have an eclectic collection of things
Trace my ancestry
Send my parents on their dream vacation
Visit Stonehenge
See the pyramids
Go to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Learn to break a board with my bare hands
Travel to the moon with Virgin Galactic (http://www.virgingalactic.com/flash.html?language=english)
Ride in a submarine
See the wreckage of the Titanic
Be turned into a piece of art
Grow a Bonsai Tree
Create a home with an inviting, joyous, comfortable and loving atmosphere
Adopt a child (there are a lot of kids already…why add to it?)
Become financially savvy
Splurge on a one of a kind piece of art
Conquer fear of singing in front of an audience
Have a street named after me
Take up gourmet cooking
Learn origami
Learn how to perform magic tricks
Create a mindmovie
Swim in the largest swimming pool in Chile
Learn a little Tae Kwon Do
Become a Yoga master
Perfect snow skiing
Write a children’s book
Do a book’s illustrations
Go whale watching
See the Northern Lights
Do the Polar Bear Plunge
Walk across Abbey Road
Visit a “real” blues bar in Chicago
Participate in Carnival Parade in Brazil
Bathe in the Ganges
Go white water rafting
Go mountain climbing
Travel to every continent (yes, even Antarctica)
See Conan O’Brien live
Ride a camel
Lay in a poppy field all day long
Backpack across Spain
Go across America in a hot air balloon
Go on a safari
Be on The Amazing Race with my sister
Get backstage passes for my favorite band
Open my own coffee shop
Go to a big time fashion show
Go parasailing
Learn sign language
Live in a loft in a big city
Get a meaningful tattoo
Discover a keepsake box/time capsule
Create my own signature scent
Have a piece of my art shown in a museum
Have one of my poems published
Be an extra in a movie
Ride an elephant
Milk a cow
Go skinny dipping
Create my own personal mission statement and follow it (revising it from time to time)
Travel India by train
Take a dip into a fountain
Write an anonymous letter attach it to a large check and give it to a worthwhile organization
Graffiti something beautiful
Live in a house boat
Stay in an ice hotel (http://travel.msn.com//Guides/MSNTravelSlideShow.aspx?cp-documentid=918831>1=41000)
Write a personal letter, leave it in a book at the library and look for it twenty years later
Play chess until I beat someone I should not, then quit forever
Witness a tennis match at Wimbledon
Experience weightlessness
See the Mona Lisa
Try fencing
Learn all of the “love languages”
Learn to belly dance
Learn to play guitar better
Go paragliding
Go zorbing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ljbOmNX7x0)
Fly through the Bermuda Triangle and live to tell about it
Witness ancient cave art
See the seven wonders of the world
Learn to juggle
Have a star named after me
Have a room in my house devoted to books
Be in the Guinness Book of World Records
Help build a Habitat for Humanity home
Join Peace Corps
Invent something
Attend a Super Bowl game
Drink the sunset
Live a life without regrets
Have a duck as a pet
Have an eclectic collection of things
Trace my ancestry
Send my parents on their dream vacation
Visit Stonehenge
See the pyramids
Go to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Learn to break a board with my bare hands
Travel to the moon with Virgin Galactic (http://www.virgingalactic.com/flash.html?language=english)
Ride in a submarine
See the wreckage of the Titanic
Be turned into a piece of art
Grow a Bonsai Tree
Create a home with an inviting, joyous, comfortable and loving atmosphere
Adopt a child (there are a lot of kids already…why add to it?)
Become financially savvy
Splurge on a one of a kind piece of art
Conquer fear of singing in front of an audience
Have a street named after me
Take up gourmet cooking
Learn origami
Learn how to perform magic tricks
Create a mindmovie
Swim in the largest swimming pool in Chile
Learn a little Tae Kwon Do
Become a Yoga master
Perfect snow skiing
Write a children’s book
Do a book’s illustrations
Go whale watching
See the Northern Lights
Do the Polar Bear Plunge
Walk across Abbey Road
Visit a “real” blues bar in Chicago
Participate in Carnival Parade in Brazil
Bathe in the Ganges
Go heli-skiing
Photograph an endangered species as a reminder of how fragile life is
Spend the night in a storied/historic hotel
Stand at the North or South Pole
Participate in the world’s largest water fight in Thailand
Witness Haley’s comet in 2062
Find the man of my dreams and marry him
Cross off everything on this list
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