I have considered being a vet but decided against it because I do not like the thought of animals potentially dying in my care, I thought about having an art major but job findings are slim, then I looked into advertising and decided I did not like the thought of being manipulative, Spanish, but I was too scared to do the projects that I heard the other people had to do when they got into the upper level classes, communication studies, well, I am not really sure, just did not interest me, then fashion of some sort, but concluded it was a scene I did not really want to be a part of, then human resource management but I can’t see myself being stuck behind a desk or in an office most of my life, and now I have moved on to anthropology, but it is science based (I hate/suck at science) so we will see how long this one lasts me. Can’t I just be the travel channel lady and get paid to travel? That would be ideal. I feel like I have worn through most of my options at this point. I do not want to be picky but I do not want to be stuck with something I dislike. I think that is my greatest fear. Well, just be a stay at home mom you say…but I want a career, I want to be self-sustaining. Plus the fact I am not overly fond of children, at least not yet. Maybe when I am closer to being married will I reconsider, but definitely not at this stage in my life.
If someone were to come up to me tomorrow and asked me if I would like to look into my future to see where I will be in, let’s say ten years, I would say YES!!! You might be thinking, “well, where is the fun in that? Part of the fun of life is getting to those places.” I think it would be incredibly fascinating and helpful. Not only would it tell me where I would be professionally, but it would save me the heartache from looking into the wrong guys. Right? Who would not want that? But the chances of this occurring are not very likely, so I will keep trekking onwards and hope and pray God fills my heart with a passion so strong for something I can’t help but chase after.
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