But I am not.
Maybe it is because I am sitting in a cafe with calming music in my headphones, eating a scone and a blended coffee, but I feel more at peace now than I have in a long time.
It is not just a temporary "this place is peaceful" kind of thing. I would more call it a settled peace. I feel like I could handle any situation right now, which probably means that I am being prepared to deal with something new and challenging, I guess. But I am OK with that too.
This settled peace, it is really very freeing. I watch out the window as a sheet of newspaper is tumbled in the wind, as tiny birds hop around beside a car in the parking lot picking at crumbs on the blacktop, and I am just watching. I am not analyzing or preparing the thought of these sights for anything, I am just watching and enjoying their separate beauties.
I am a little scared, I must admit, because I do feel as though I am being prepared for something. I have been put into this accepting state of mind and I am scared for whatever it is I must accept. Maybe I am over analyzing after all. Maybe I am just being blessed with this momentary peace and I should accept it as a blessing and nothing more.
It is hard, sometimes, to accept a free gift, isn't it?
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....