Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Looking Back

I wanted my blog to be a place where I could express myself and allow others to get to know me better and on a slightly different level. My blog, Recorded Thoughts, became more or less based off of one of my very first posts titled, “The Beauty of Simplicity.” As the title states, I prefer things done on a simpler scale and my blog is visible proof of this. I decided against adding all sorts of bright colors, gadgets and doodads to my page. Most of my entries were intentionally kept short, sweet and simple because I did not want my audience to lose interest and to so I cut right to the point and the base of my thought. Because of this, everything has a purpose in being there.

Most every entry I did, I began with a photo that I liked or intrigued me and worked backwards by writing about what it made me think of or feel, ultimately my thoughts on the photo. Therefore I decided to call my blog “Recorded Thoughts.” I knew from the beginning of the semester that this way of writing was what I wanted to do. To some readers, what I write may come across more personal because I blog about what has been on my mind that day or at that moment. Usually whether or not it bears a little bit of my soul, I will write it down. I am not ashamed. I wanted it to be more informative to let those who follow my blog will have a better understanding of who I am and catch a glimpse of what goes on in my head throughout the day.

Since the people who read my blog probably do not know me very well, I wanted to create one that would allow for people to understand who I am a little better, not just through my words and thoughts, but through the other modes of communication. I wanted to add some of my favorite songs, even though I find that they regularly change, not only to share with those who choose to read my blog some wonderful songs but because music is such a large part of me. So much so that I decided to devote my first blog entry on the topic. I posted two videos to have a change of pace and venture out from posting just pictures. They just so happen to combine both electronic and audio because they deal with music. One is a live performance by one of my favorite artists, Justin King, and the other is a music video that I found on iTunes’ free download of the week that I fell in love with and had to share.

Although I covered all of the different modes of communication, the majority of my blog consisted of writing and photos, which in all reality is what a blog should really contain. Even so, I could have used more electronic sources, or at the very least a wider variety of videos that show more things that interest me or that I enjoy besides music to go along with what my profile says, “I have an enthusiasm for life and a love for the world and all that it holds.” Overall I am pleased with the way that my blog turned out and the way that it portrays me.

Looking back at the beginning of the semester and I remember how terrified I was at the thought of trying to find time to write 24,000 words on top of the weekly posts and regular assignments and on top of all of that, my other classes. Not only am I happy that I was able to reach that number but I must admit that I enjoyed doing it, something I never thought I would say. Maybe even enough to keep up with it once the year comes to an end.

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