If I were to ever find a secret treasure like that, I would really want to keep this little treasure, but I think in the end, the curiosity of who the owner is would get the best of me and I would want to know who this person is and the reason they put the specific things in their container. Why those items? What sentimental value did they have for them when they originally picked them? What does it mean to them now?
As sad as it is, I have come to realize that the chances of me ever coming across a secret crevice that holds the burial place for someone’s memorabilia are incredibly slim. Maybe if I tap all of the tiles in every bathroom attempting to find a hollow one or stick my hand into every hole I find in a tree or dig up my entire backyard will I come across one. Sadly, it will most likely always be in vain.
Although I most likely will never find one, I have highly considered making one and leaving it behind somewhere for someone else to find many years down the road. Maybe they will come looking for me, maybe they will not, but at least someone else will get to live out my little dream...and that's all that matters.

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